Archives par mot-clé : c++

How to make your own Resharper C++ file template

ReSharper is an extension for Visual Studio that provides a lot of quality-of-life improvements over the initial VS user experience. It was initially made for C# (hence the name), but also exists in C++ ! If you never used it, but know competing products like VAX (Visual Assist X) for example, you basically know what ReSharper is.

It happens pretty often that, working on a C++ project, I want to make a new class (separated in two files : a header file and a source file) based on a kind of template, like they should all follow the same basic structure, have the same copyright disclaimers at the beginning, then start implementation surrounded in a specific namespace, etc…

Visual Studio in itself is pretty limited in that respect. And to be honest it’s very possible to just copy-paste existing files and make the necessary arrangements each time, but it becomes kind of tedious and boring over time. Turns out, ReSharper happens to know how to do this kind of thing : behold the ReSharper File Templates ! Unfortunately, it’s pretty complicated to use at first and documentation is scarce (at the time I’m writing this).

So here’s a quick guide on how to do it. It assumes you have ReSharper up and running (for brevity, I skip the part about installing it).

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Making multi-texturing work with VTK

This is an English copy of my last article, which was written in French: Faire du multi-texturing avec VTK.

I believe it will help much more people in English since VTK is used worldwide… And I don’t want to bother with a multilingual WordPress plugin yet. 🙂

In this blog post I will talk of what has been my main research subject during the last two months, during my part-time job.

It was about multi-texture mapping on a 3D polygon, using the open source library VTK. I mean it when I say « research subject » since, at the time I write this, it seems that no one or near already tried to do it with VTK… Although the feature is present, it just doesn’t work out of the box.

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{C++} — Mémo pour avoir la méthode afin de pouvoir être méthodique sur les pointeurs sur méthode

Dès qu’en C++ je dois faire des pointeurs sur fonction membre (ou méthode) d’une classe c’est toujours la même chose : je ne me souviens jamais de l’enfer syntaxique que constitue la déclaration, l’assignation, et l’utilisation d’un pointeur sur fonction membre ! >:(

Panda essayant de faire des pointeurs sur fonction membre
Panda essayant de faire des pointeurs sur fonction membre

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